Fresh Store Builder 4 Virtual Staff Finder Academy
October 2013

Archives for October 2013

Amasuite 3.0 review – Want to know the TOP selling products on Amazon?

What is Amasuite 3.0? AmaSuite 3.0 is a set of three desktop software Amazon research tools – Keyword Generator, Product Inspector, Top 100 Analyzer. We’ve added a fourth software tool as a WordPress plugin that allows customers to more quickly create content for products they found using the three research tools as well. All together these four software tools provide users the ability to more quickly research and determine which products are worth promoting as an Amazon affiliate along with which niches users should move into. Amasuite 3.0 Overview Vendor: Dave Guindon et al Product: AmaSuite 3.0 Launch Date: 2013-10-22 Launch Time: 01:00 EDT Front-End Price: $27 Official Page: Visit Official Website Amasuite 3.0 Bonus: Yes - Clicking … [Read more...]

1-Click WP SEO 4.0 WordPress Plugin | Page 1 of Google with 1 click?

What is 1-Click WP SEO? 1-Click WP SEO 4.0 allows anyone to optimize all the posts and pages on their site, for the keywords they want, with a single click. The plugin has been updated to work with the latest Google algorithm changes. This is a Wordpress plugin that people actually want. It helps users optimize their posts and pages for the search engines really quickly. The testimonials speak for themselves. 1-Click WP SEO Overview Vendor: George Katsoudas Product: 1-Click WP SEO 4.0 WP Plugin Launch Date: 2013-10-16 Launch Time: 11:00 EDT Front-End Price: $27/$47 Official Website: Click to Visit Official Website 1-Click WP SEO 4.0 Bonus: Yes - Clicking here Niche: SEO & Traffic 1-Click WP SEO Review Optimizing your sites for the search engines is *simple*, but … [Read more...]

Viral Traffic Plugin : Free traffic from Google+, Facebook, Twitter

What is Viral Traffic Plugin? Viral Traffic Plugin is a software tool so powerful it can help you generate an Unlimited supply of free traffic. Starting TODAY, you can generate 100% FREE traffic to as many websites as you want, and do it faster and easier than any other way… Viral Traffic Plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to “hide” any content on your site behind a social sharing box… for visitors to view the content, they just need to +1 it on Google, Like it on Facebook, or Tweet it on Twitter. 1 click and they can view the content… and you can get free viral traffic to your site from the top 3 social networks Google+, Facebook, Twitter! Viral Traffic Plugin Overview Vendor: Brett Ingram Product: Viral Traffic Plugin Launch Date: 2013-10-08 Launch … [Read more...]

Traffic Recon Review