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Content Gorilla

Content Gorilla Review – Auto build content campaigns on Facebook

What is Content Gorilla? Content Gorilla is a Wordpress plugin that will allow users to publish content from Amazon,Youtube,Yahoo,RSS,Flickr and articles. It will also allow the user to publish this content in any language. On top of that not only can use build content campaigns on wordpress they can also publish content on Tumblr. This is not content syndication. Users can create unique campaigns to publish on Tumblr. This is just a quick post to let you know about something SUPER cool that is happening right now in the blogging sphere. If you run a blog or you want to start a blog to make money online then I strongly recommend your check this out In a nutshell it takes the work out of your hands and publishes unique campaigns on your blog, tumblr account, blogger and Facebook … [Read more...]

Traffic Recon Review