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WP Cliff Hanger Review – WordPress Plugin for IMers

WP Cliff Hanger Review – The First Of It’s Kind Plugin for IMers


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WP Cliff Hanger Review


Vendor: Anwesh Rath
Product: WP Cliff Hanger
Launch Date: 2013-08-22
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
Official Website: Visit The Official Website WP Cliff Hanger Now!
Bonus: Yes – Clicking here
Niche: Affiliate Marketing

 What is WP Cliff Hanger?

WP Cliff Hanger is a first of it’s kind plugin that allows you to create Cliff Hanger Salespages and Squeeze pages with point and Click ease. WP Cliff Hanger copies are proven to convert like crazy is are definitely underused in our industry. However, top copywriters from around the world absolutely vouch for WP Cliff Hanger copies. WP Cliff Hanger helps you create pages that will interact with your readers. You can ask questions, prompt them to click a link before they see the price and lot more. There are Two main functions of WP Cliff Hanger.

  1. WP Cliff Hanger Anchors
  2. WP Cliff Hanger i (Interactive)

WP Cliff Hanger Anchors allows you to create text links that your readers will have to click in order to see the rest of the sales page/squeeze page or just the next text block/video/buy button or whatever you want them to see without having to leave the page (the page won’t even refresh) WP Cliff Hanger i allows you to ask questions to them where they have to answer in a Yes or No, based on which the next block will be revealed. You can use this function to create sales pages that double as squeeze pages or pages that double as UPsell and Downsell pages both.

What are the Benefits of WP Cliff Hanger?

  • Show the buy button only when they click a link (Increases conversions and EPC) because unless the buy button is displayed the “visit” is not counted
  • Instead of using “almost extinct” exit popups, use the WP Cliff Hanger i to see if they wanna buy the product or not. If they say Yes, display the Buy Button or else display an optin Form.
  • Use WP Cliff Hanger i function to create OTO pages for your product. Let’s say you are offering “Developer Right” and “Multi Site License” as Upsell and Downsell respectively, then ask users what they want. if they say Yes to Deveopers license show the buy button of the Developer’s License or else, show the other one for “Multi Site” License
  • Use the WP Cliff Hanger Anchor function to create a link below your buy button with a “No Thanks” text or something along the lines. When they say no, offer them a freebie to get them on your list
  • …and LOTS more

How’s about prices of WP Cliff Hanger?

  • WP Cliff Hanger in FE : $9.97 -$17
  • WP Cliff Hanger in OTO (Upsell) – Developers License | $37 – $47
  • WP Cliff Hanger in OTO Downsell – Unlimited License | $27 – $37

How about the License Of WP Cliff Hanger?

WP Cliff Hanger – Unlimited Sites License

WP Cliff Hanger – Developer License

WP Cliff Hanger – Single Site License

WP Cliff Hanger – Developer License

WP Cliff Hanger – Unlimited Sites License

Thanks for reading my WP Cliff Hanger Review blog. To Download and get full information about WP Cliff Hanger, Please click button below:

WP Cliff Hanger Review

WP cliff hanger Review

WP Cliff Hanger Review

To your success online!

David Quan

Keyword Organizer Software
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  1. […] WP Cliff Hanger review of Anwesh Rath is a first of it’s kind WordPress plugin that allows you to create “Cliff Hanger” Salespages and Squeeze pages with point and Click ease.  […]

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